lieve that those who do not do so are mentally sick. 'Religious values' covers so much. There are so many religious values, and conflicting ones. There are sound and unsound ones. In some parts of the world cannibalism and ritual murder are based on tribal religious values.
"In the Caribbean Voodoo permeates the life of the people to the point at which religion seems a kind of institutionalized madness. And there remains much that is primitive and unhealthy in even the most advanced religions. Opposition to all that is barbaric and primi tive in religion seems quité healthy-minded to me. Sigmund Freud himself was anti-religious and wrote a book to explain why: 'The Future of an Illusion'.
"One of the reasons I am going to keep your June issue is the wonderful quotation from Augustine de Villeblanche submitted by 'J.L.' of Washington. I am greatly indebted to you and to 'J.L.' for that!
"The letter from 'G.K. of Chicago was, to me, greatly moving. I think it is a great thing to give people the chance to express what is in their minds and hearts as you are doing.
"The article which stirred me up mentally the most was
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